SoulFire 4 the eARTh 2022 is a woman led planetary prayer + prACTice of peace. please know changes to the schedule are likely as we adapt to the needs of each day. All outside circles are weather dependent
this keeps the first togggle closed. do not remove.
OPENING CIRCLE – SoulFire 4 The eARTh 2022
9am-11am EST
On Site SoulFire Sanctuary + in The Connection Field Zoom Room. to get link.
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
6pm – 7pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
On the day of the Sacred Fool, we initiate ourselves + each other in this 30 day prayer + prACTice of peace. We celebrate that this is the day the road Mz. imani re-opened the driveway to the Peace Chamber, and we metaphorically celebrate the return of the Fun Makers, the jesters, the clowns + the kind heARTed ones who bring teachings in their humor.
Ones in history + herstory + ones in our current thymes who continue to praise life + make us laugh. Those whose visions + ACTions have changed the WErld by walking through inordinate challenges of the day to day remembering joy thru play, kindness, prayer, music, art + dance, storytelling + expressing hope for the future generations.
Bring a song, a poem, be inspired in the moment to share your heART’s wisdom + blesSINGs for the potential that resides within our Common-UNITY.
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field Zoom Room + On-Site @ SoulFire Sanctuary to get link.
Noon – in your thyme one -Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
6pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 THE eARTh – Mz. imani + Friends
9-10 EST in the Connection Field Zoom Room to get link.
On Land – Honoring our personal prACTices, this Sunday Morning. We will gather in the afternoon to tend to the Beacon heARTh fire @ 2:22est. Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace – in your thyme zone and in your Homeplace
3pm – Round Table Discussion with Karmen Curry. Including readings from The Sacred Pipe, which speaks to the Sacred Rites of the Lakota, On Sunday April 3rd Karmen is including The White Buffalo Calf Woman Story.
6pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We gather to celebrate life and to honor the Planet, the People, Peace and our greater Purpose. We share our gratitude, with offerings of music, prayer and poetry, to embody the call in our heARTs, to uplift, dive deep, unite and share blesSINGs, for the highest good of all.
Join us, as we tend to our personal and collective SoulFire, thru heart resonance + the arts. You are invited to bring a song, a poem, a prayer to share:
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field Field Zoom Room + On Site @ SoulFire Sanctuary to get link or Join in on FB Live Stream @ Good of the Whole
Noon – in your thyme zone Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
6-8pm est Planetary AlcheMystic Circle – with Peter Champoux, Tyhson Banigen + other guests, including planetary dowsers, musicians, mystics and people who are dreaming the future. Mz. imani’s Zoom Room + On Land @ SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field Zoom Room to get link or FB Livestream @ Good of the Whole
Noon – in your thyme zone – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7-8pm est SoulFire en Espanol – Hosted by Judith Ponce Pelayo + Luz Campos in The Connection Field Zoom Room. for link.
With Daniela Luna from Arica, Chile with “Rezo de Luna/Sagrado Femenino” (Moon Prayer/Sacred Feminine)
7 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + Mz. imani’s Zoom Room
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7:30 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room
All Day Drum, Dance + Pray 4 Peace – Global Invitation to drum, dance + sing Fanga in respect of Baba’s WErk in the WErld
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7pm-8pm EST – weekly meeting – ELEMENTAL NOURISHING – with Rev. Areeya Marie
8-9pm EST – Weekly Meeting – PEACE, MA’AT, NATURE & HEALING – Dr. Lori Beth Stargrove –
4 Weeks toGetHer
Exploring Relationships
A time of learning and sharing….
Attuning to SunRise and SunSet
21 consecutive days
our collective prayer of healing and peace
7-8pm EST – SOULFIRE EN ESPANOL- Hosted by Judith Ponce Pelayo + Luz Campos in The Connection Field Zoom Room, with Vicky Ortiz from Tijuana, México with “Ritual Quechua” (Quechua Ritual)
www, to get link
in your time zone light a candle, tend a fire, or meditate on the light within: To learn more about Peace Chambers Global Fire Ceremony
When Peace Chamber Global Fire Ceremony is complete, we will gather in the Peace Chamber with the women to explore a subtle sense of the drum – at SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
SoulFire 4 the eARTh is an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all.
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7:30 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
10-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
Nikki Moon – Art as a Spiritual prACTice – Time – 3-4:15
On Line in the Connection Field + SoulFire Sanctuary
7:30 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7:30 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, N
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field Zoom Room + On Land @ SoulFire Sanctuary to get link or FB Live Stream @ Good of the Whole
Noon – in your thyme zone – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
6-8pm est Planetary AlcheMystic Circle – with Peter Champoux, Tyhson Banigen + other guests, including planetary dowsers, musicians, mystics and people who are dreaming the future. Mz. imani’s Zoom Room + On Land @ SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – in your thyme zone – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7-8pm est SoulFire en Espanol – Hosted by Judith Ponce Pelayo + Luz Campos in The Connection Field Zoom Room, with Daniela Luna from Arica, Chile with “Rezo de la Madre Tierra” (Mother Earth prayer) for link.
7:30 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + Mz. imani’s Zoom Room
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7:30 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7:30 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7:30 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
Nikki Moon – Art as a Spiritual PrACTice – Time TBA –
On Line + In Person
7:30 pm FULL MOON Drum + Dance, Story + Song Circles – Upper Dance Grounds + Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7:30 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field Zoom Room + On Land @ SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC to get link or FB Live Stream @ Good of the Whole
Noon – in your thyme zone – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
6-8pm est Planetary AlcheMystic Circle – with Peter Champoux, Tyhson Banigen + other guests, including planetary dowsers, musicians, mystics and people who are dreaming the future. Mz. imani’s Zoom Room + On Land @ SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7:30 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7:30 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7:30 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
This legacy idea – of eARTh Day – becomes a GrandMa today – Women gather your bundles and Sing Her a B’eARThday Song. All people, let’s gather our offerings and make a landscape (mandala with flowers, seeds, stones, special objects) for the eARTh today!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7:30 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7:30 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7:30 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – in your thyme zone – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
6-8pm est Planetary AlcheMystic Circle – with Peter Champoux, Tyhson Banigen, Mz. imani + other guests, including planetary dowsers, musicians, mystics and people who are dreaming the future. Mz. imani’s Zoom Room + On Land @ SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7:30 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7:30 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7:30 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
Noon – Chanting for WErld Peace.
SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC + in your Homeplace
7:30 pm Story + Song Circle – Beacon Fire Circle – SoulFire Sanctuary, Swannanoa, NC
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!
SoulFire 4 The eARTh
All Our Relations Morning Fire
9am-11am EST in The Connection Field to get link into Zoom Room or FB Live Stream @Good of the Whole
NOON – Chanting for WErld Peace
We are an ever evolving and growing circle of humans gathering to co-create a heart centered morning ceremony to greet the day. Bring a poem, a prayer, a song or story to share as we collaboratively connect to inspire and pray for the highest good of all!