3 Points of Light – a Living ART Show – a pARTicipatory Experience + Winter Solstice Celebration
$ 13.00 – $ 55.00
It is within the shelter of each other that the people live.
4 days of A Living Art Experience –
The 8th Annual Winter Solstice Gathering + 3 Points of Light Art Experience is offered to celebrate, activate + articulate the blesSINGs + healing capacity of this land + the 18th Peace Chamber thru chanting + dancing, making art + expressing gratitude for Life. This is a curated expression of a common-unity entering the center, and tending to Portals of Possibility – together. What is present here, calls for us to be aware + kind + to ACTively carpool. 33 or 99 plu’s, its really up to you: please register to inform the designs of the rituals:
-when our heARTs, align round + within the 3 points of light- of the Solstice Fire – the Chamber + the songs of the land, there is more peace on the planet.
In this PivotALL ThyMe of the Solstice, we are also on the cusp of the
aquarian age – we celebrate 8 years of gathering for the Winter Solstice in 2022, and we invite you to gather your krewe (to carpool) and join us for this collaboration of Art, Music, Dance + Ritual. WEave with Diane Patterson, Mz. imani + Kevin Spears + other PLU’s (People Like Us) who love to gather + tend to the light on occasions like the solstice. We are a pART of a larger vision as ALL the Peace Chambers all around the planet harmonize in 24 hours of chanting for WErld Peace at the December Solstice.
We care for our heARTs + Frequency + our collective capacity to vision + collaborate… our Art in ACTion is all about walking together towards reb’eARThing our personal + collective capacity + our care for our selves, each other + the eARTh – with music, art + movement…as we rest, we recalibrate + we restory ourselves in multidimensional celebration of the light.
Dec. 21st, 2022
Art Show Opening – Solstice Sharemony + Community Ritual – Planetary Peace Chamber Chanting for WErld Peace – Planetary Listening pARTy of new music from Mz. imani – Collective Healing Sessions in Chamber + on the Land – Collaborative Art in the Forest – Performances – All Night Fire Circles – Alcohol Free + Pet Free
Artists – Musicians + Collaborators include:
Diane Patterson
Jaime Marie Spears
Mz. imani
Alana Fitzgerald
Nikki Moon
Deanna Rose
Kevin Spears
Sweezy Sound
+ more Friends, TBA
VERY LIMITED On Site Parking
CarPooling, makes this WErk: Gather your Krewe:
NO ALCOHOL, NO Pets, Families welcome
remember, we want you to be here:
-please no coming + going
13 WErker Bee Krewe Passes avail
Suggested Reciprocity
$13 + WErk Trade
– Contact Mz. imani:
25 DAY ThyMe Passes avail
Dec 21 10:30am – 5:30 pm
(gates open 10:30-12 – gates close at noon 12/21 for Solstice Ceremony.)
25 Night ThyMe Passes avail
Dec. 21 Gates Open for Arrivals 7:00 – 8:15pm
Performances Begin @ 8:30ish
Gates reopen for departure after performances
or stay for the All Night Circles
9 FULL IMMERSION Passes – stay on site:
Dec 21 10:30am – Dec 22 10:30am
(gates open 10:30-12 – gates close at noon 12/21 for Solstice Ceremony.)
Please note – if you come + go + come back again- there is a $15 re-entry fee.
Dec 22nd – Dec 24th
SoulFire Sanctuary + the Peace Chamber are open by appointment for private showings of the Art, Meditation + Chanting. You are invited to come and sit with the fire, make art, WErk on the land or wander in the woods. Contact Mz. imani to schedule.
$22 Suggested Reciprocity
If you’re feeling generous, you can also make a donation to the Sanctuary.